[Gmail-Lounge] Re: Funny Comic
Nut case wackos. There should be a law about allowing them in schools
to give out this rubbish. They're radical "all animals have feelings
and shouldn't die for any reason" propaganda doesn't work on adults so
they have to target kids who are more impressionable and easier to
hoodwink into believing this crap. They've finally gone to far, imho,
and something should be done to stop them. Free speech is one thing,
but they step over those lines and gray them that.. I donno. We should
kill them, imho.
On 12/2/05, Eric Cranston <cracell@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok first read this short comic
> http://www.fishinghurts.com/pdfs/DaddyKillsAnimals.pdf
> Now believe this, this is a seriousy thing by Peta it's not suppose to be
> funny....now laugh with me
> Hey Guess what else is alive? Plants, who is protecting the plants, those
> poor spuds, and corn and everything....oh no don't eat them!!!
> seriously.....I love America...it has the funniest people.
> --
> Mechanical Turk Monitor -
> http://mechanical-turk.blogspot.com/
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