
Cuma, Aralık 09, 2005

Re: Map Center and Zoom

Note that GPoint is constructed with a longitude then latitude which
you dont say where you actully trying to get to so this might be the
oppersite to what you expect.

for the values you provided to be in anartica must be
Lat: -75.30231 Long: 39.99297

which I expect you looking for
Lat: 39.99297N Long: -75.30231 in United States

So you are actully loking for
map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-75.30231, 39.99297), 4);

So in that case is that bit of code (as just mentioned) what you
actully copied and pasted out of your sourcecode, is is that what you
expected it to turn out like...
Either way it looks like toy have the two figrures crossed in some


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