Google Sitemaps for Personal Use Only!!!
Well, I've attempted to have my site listed on Google for over three
months now. And guess what? I'm still not listed.
I've manually submitted my web site to all major search engines. I've
optimized my pages, and made sure that I'm not "breakin the rules", I
signed up for Google Anylitics and Google Adsense, I've made sure my
robots.txt is correct! In one to three weeks I was listed well on MSN,
Yahoo, Lycos, Altivista etc.. and even Froogle, (but Froogle does not
affect your web ranking), and Still NO LUCK with google! So now, I
signed up for Google Sitemaps and optimized my sitemap.xml file and
Still NO LUCK with google! I have found other sites which have a link
to my site that are ranked in the first 10 to 20 spots on Google. And
these sites (with NO CONTENT) are basically just link sites and their
from Japan! And I am not even listed at all. How is this possible?
Anyway to get back to the subject, I found the following under Googles
"terms of service":
The Google Services are made available for your personal,
non-commercial use only. You may not use the Google Services to sell a
product or service, or to increase traffic to your Web site for
commercial reasons, such as advertising sales. You may not take the
results from a Google search and reformat and display them, or mirror
the Google home page or results pages on your Web site. You may not
"meta-search" Google. If you want to make commercial use of the Google
Services, you must enter into an agreement with Google to do so in
advance. Please contact us for more information.
In closure, I can only speculate that Google wants businesses to PAY to
get listed. What's worst is that most searches that I performed on
Google lately are not pertinant to the search matter.
Any truth to my thoughts? Or should I still keep trying to get listed?
Because I'm really tired of spending my time and resources on Google.
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