Re: How long does it takes before you guys get a stats?
Ok im in same boat, it took me ages to get my site map verified, Im not
100% sure what the problem was however now Im not getting any stats no
errors are showing, Ive waited over a week so that you can build up
information on my site, its a new site i use addwords and overture have
a few links to it now however I cant get ANYTHING indexed and im
finding the sitemap experience frustrationg, Ive tried using the blogs
however they go round and round in circles and their are hundreds of
causes thrown up from
google world domination conspiracy theories to bad HTML and bad coding
How do i illiminate any of the causes ? how do i establish the process
of spidering ? ive lookied on my site stats (matrix stats) show the
googlebot on my site 3 times a day over last 18 days so that appears to
be happening and My nerify page was hit once as was the
and the noexist page
whats the next stages ?? what should i be looking for ? how to i track
errors or identify what the errors in this process are ???
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