Double Byte Characters in Access
I have a Access 2000 Data Base with many forms and reports. I am trying
to use double byte characters in the database. For example the Chinese
and Japanise languages use double byte characters. I am able to store
the characters in the database and produce reports containing those
characters. I do not create recordsets for the reports I build a string
that contains
the SQL statement and pass it to the recordsource property of the
Part of the application allows the user to archive the
database to a comma seperated text file. When I use the archive sub
routine it creates the archive file and there are no error messages
however it replaces the double byte characters with question marks. If
you look at the code below you will find the code where we are
looping through the dao recordset rstExport, field by field. There are
183 fields in the recordset thus we set up a loop For x = 1 To 183.
We are putting the values of each field it in a variable called mydata.
After we put a field in mydata we add a comma. If the data in each of
the fields is data type dbText we write to the mydata variable one
way. If the field is not dbText we write to the mydata variable another
mydata = rstExport.Fields(0).Value
For x = 1 To 183
If rstExport.Fields(x).Type = dbText Then
mydata = mydata & "," & Chr(34) &
convert2quotes(Nz(rstExport.Fields(x).Value, "")) & Chr(34)
mydata = mydata & "," & rstExport.Fields(x).Value
End If
' Debug.Print rstExport.Fields(x).Name
Open lv_ExportFilename For Append As #filenumber ' Create
Print #filenumber, mydata ' Output text.
Close #filenumber ' Close file.
I ran the program in Debug mode and found that the double byte
characters are not in the DAO recordset. When you do a mose over the
rstExport.Fields(22).Value which is the first field that had the double
byte it says "????". That value is dbText so it goes to the first part
of the if and populates mydata thusly:
mydata = mydata & "," & Chr(34) &
convert2quotes(Nz(rstExport.Fields(x).Value, "")) & Chr(34)
So now I have to figure out why the double byte characters are not in
the DAO recordset. I don't know if it makes any difference but I do not
have a Chinese keyboard or the Chinese version of Windows and in
regional options English is set as the language. I have been copying
and pasting double byte characters into the applications interface
the character map application.
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