[Gmail-Generation] Re: when did they start doing holiday logos for gmail? :D
i dont see the logo here. gmail's might be independant of google's and based on time zone. The only holiday gmail logo i've seen before was the birthday logo on apr 1st
On 11/23/05, Kass Lloyd <kasslloyd@gmail.com> wrote:
Wow the Gmail special logo is online before the main Google logo...
strange. You'd think they'd of automaticly changed it when it hit 12
On 11/24/05, Kass Lloyd < kasslloyd@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just noticed the nice thanskgiving logo for Gmail. Gmail must be
> getting imporant for them too do special holiday logos for it as well,
> or I've just never noticed them in the past.. has anyone else seen one
> in the past?
Caleb Eggensperger
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