[Gmail-Users] Re: Google Search
Dear claudine, I am a newbe also, I am now understanding this. Keep reading the emails and they are people that are there to help with problems that you don't understand. Keep at it and you will. Stay with the group and later drop it if you want K?
you are welcome to send to me and work together!
Well that's if you are still there, or rather HERE!
good luck and remember if anyone insults you we can
have them dropped. YOU ARE NOT STUPID! as the person said. It angered me and I found a great response to his disregard for your feelings. You may contact me at: eileen.lindsayGmail .com or
(personal mail) at : starprom@netzero.net
Take care WE DO! and God bless keep trying you
will get it. Eileen
you are welcome to send to me and work together!
Well that's if you are still there, or rather HERE!
good luck and remember if anyone insults you we can
have them dropped. YOU ARE NOT STUPID! as the person said. It angered me and I found a great response to his disregard for your feelings. You may contact me at: eileen.lindsayGmail .com or
(personal mail) at : starprom@netzero.net
Take care WE DO! and God bless keep trying you
will get it. Eileen
On 11/25/05, Claudine Kenyon <claudinedeep@gmail.com> wrote:
I dont know how to change it. I dont have the knowledge to give to these people. How would you suggest me to change it. Where should i go..or what should i do.
On 11/24/05, pattyfuss@gmail.com < pattyfuss@gmail.com> wrote:
Apparently you are subscribed to the Gmail-users Google Group and are
getting each message instead of the digest version. You can change your
preferences so that you get a digest each day or another option. I
don't mean to sound rude, but every time someone posts a message, they
don't expect a reply from everyone in the group. I think you might be a
little confused on how the groups work?
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