The Who's afraid of Google Article
I Love Google- I wish I had the $ to have gotten in on the ground
floor. I say "Make em sweat!"
Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone.
By Kevin Kelleher
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It seems no one is safe: Google is doing Wi-Fi; Google is searching
inside books; Google has a plan for ecommerce.
Of course, Google has always wanted to be more than a search engine.
Even in the early days, its ultimate goal was extravagant: to organize
the world's information. High-minded as that sounds, Google's
ever-expanding agenda has put it on a collision course with nearly
every company in the information technology industry:,
Comcast, eBay, Yahoo!, even Microsoft.
<It seems that for Google to attain its goal It MUST process every
aspect of the modern world.>
In less than a decade, Google has gone from guerrilla startup to
800-pound gorilla. In some ways, the company is a gentle giant. Whereas
Microsoft infamously smothered new and open standards, Google is famous
for supporting them. And the firm is softening its image, launching a
philanthropic arm,, with nearly $1 billion earmarked for
social causes. But that doesn't reduce the fear factor, and Google
knows it. Omid Kordestani, the company's global sales guru, said at a
recent conference, "We're trying to find ways so we are not viewed as a
gorilla." Given its outsize ambitions, that's one search Google might
not be able to handle.
< I think Google is smart-VERY smart! The only reason the competion
view Google as a gorrilla is because they can't control Google. Instead
of climbing onto Google's caravan and developing the 'INFORMATION
HIGHWAY' for the betterment of ManKind. They want to STOP Google
because it would prevent their ability to CONTROL the information for
Is the sky falling? That's how it looks to panicked tech companies
across the Valley as they contend with Google's ever-expanding power
and ambition.
<The same tech companies that want to control who gets what knowledge.>
Today, Google Video is a motley mix: clips of monkeys performing karate
and robot dogs attacking iguanas. Tomorrow? No one knows, but everyone
is worried.
<I'm Not>
Who's threatened: Comcast and other cable providers, Yahoo!, TV
networks that still shun the Net
<Who owns the copyright of transmission into space? Who is going to
enforce it. Anything that is documented or recorded should be available
to the world to view or what is the point?>
Signs of panic: Comcast wants to be the Google of television.
<emulation of a role model>
Yahoo! bristles at any mention of Google Video.
<They feel inferior>
Networks were stunned to find Google compiling a database of their
programs. <Blinded by the $>
Reality check: Google Video is up and running. The question is, How
much content can it attract - or pay for - to fill the database.
Watch for a strategic acquisition, even something big. TiVo?
<Why Not? Pretty smart!>
<If you don't want a video seen-DONT MAKE IT>**Google isn't claiming
possession they are just showing you where it is. They didn't make it /
just making it available.**
When secrecy-obsessed Google let news of "Google Base" slip, it looked
like an aggressive entrée into online classifieds. The test service
can search ads like used-car and personals listings, which would mesh
with Google Local and might even kick-start Orkut, Google's social
<Something has to fund their project>
Who's threatened: craigslist, eBay, Monster,
Signs of panic: Within hours of the Base bombshell, eBay's market value
dropped by almost $2 billion.
<So it was really FAT by $2 Billion and all Google did was gave them a
reality check> And even before that, the classified sites were
nervous. CareerBuilder and others fretted about letting Google host
their feeds.
<Google provides a sevice for EVERYONE, Not just those rich enough to
pump pockets.>
Reality check: This may be an extension of Froogle rather than a
stand-alone product. But it could expand to everything from travel to
eBay-like offerings.
<As Well It Should>
"How about the stock market-The World Stock Market=GoogleStocks.
<I have my FREE groups listed on Google Base.>
Free Wi-Fi in San Francisco, instant-messaging software, a widely
anticipated VoIP foray - Google's telecom initiatives seem designed to
make life radically easier for users.
<Should be WORLDWIDE>
Who's threatened: Comcast, SBC, Verizon, Vonage, what's left of AOL
Signs of panic: Surprisingly few so far, partially because Google says
it has no plans to offer Wi-Fi beyond San Francisco. Still, Comcast
coined the word Comcastic - is that its answer to Googlicious?
< why must there be an ANSWER / Why not a PARTNER>
Reality check: Something's clearly afoot, and it could be big. With
great power comes great regulation - so Google recently opened a DC
lobbying shop to combat "centralized control by network operators."
<This is a GOOD thing>
If anyone can fulfill the dream of turning the Internet into the
operating system, it's Google
If the company chooses to develop an OS, the move will cement Google's
other initiatives into a powerful whole.
Who's threatened: Apple, Microsoft
Signs of panic: When one of Microsoft's key operating system engineers
defected to Google last year, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer threw a chair
across an office and vowed to kill Google.
Reality check: The migration of applications from PCs to the Net is
already happening - and it's key to Google's future. But the likelihood
of a Google OS depends on what Microsoft accomplishes with its new OS,
<I don't believe Google hinges on anything Micro$oft does>
< If Google develops an OS or a NET OS or a GoogleSystem It's because
thats what they feel is needed to make their goal a reality. Try to
imagine a WORLD where Google has succeeded....It's a future I can only
hope to live long enough to see>
What if a search engine trolled not just every page on the Web, but
every page in every book?
<For Me? Thank You!> tried it first,
<If they had succeeded Google wouldn't need to pick up the slack>
then Google said it would "make the full text of all the world's books
searchable by anyone."
<If you didn't WANT to share your creation, Why is it WRITTEN down>
Who's threatened: Amazon, Microsoft, book publishers
Signs of panic: Against the interests of a legion of obscure writers,
the Authors Guild sued Google. The Association of American Publishers,
with more to fear, did the same. Microsoft and Yahoo! have joined a
group that's creating its own book search service.
<Because it is a good idea!>
Reality check: Making every book searchable sends a clear signal that
Google has the brawn to organize the world's information. But a vicious
backlash could drown out that message.
<NaySayers will DOOM us all...>
Google joined with Sun Microsystems in October to jointly promote and
distribute apps like the Google Toolbar and Sun's free OpenOffice
<Finally, A partner>
Wider distribution of the toolbar, Google's most potent Trojan horse,
gives the search engine access to a world of desktops.
Who's threatened: Apple, Corel, Microsoft
Signs of panic: Microsoft launched its own toolbar
<Just have to LoL >
and protested the decision of the Massachusetts Information Technology
Department to dump Office for open source alternatives.
Reality check: It may be a fiendishly clever way to attack one of
Microsoft's highest-margin products, but this tactic can't be a top
priority. Google Toolbar will thrive without Sun.
<I don't think Google started out to attack anyone. Everyone should
stop saying-MINE,MINE,MINE and start saying OURS, OURS, OURS>
Froogle threatens no one yet.
<Except the companies that jack up their prices because they hold the
But what if, as the development of Google Wallet suggests, Google
handled your every online transaction?
<That would be prudent>
The potential revenue from Google's cut of each purchase would make
AdSense look like AdCents.
<If they are smart enough to figure out a way then why not?>
Who's threatened: Amazon,, eBay
Signs of panic: After reports speculated that Google might take on
PayPal, eBay said it would pay up to $4.1 billion for VoIP rebel Skype.
Wall Street's read: With PayPal under fire, eBay needed a new growth
Reality check: Rather than take on PayPal directly, the company may
start with something less ambitious, like handling payments for premium
video content. But after that? Watch out.
<If Google can make your product available for more sales why shouldn't
they profit from that service?>
< Amazon,, eBay, PayPal, Apple, Corel, Microsoft, Comcast,
other cable providers, Yahoo!, TV networks, TiVo, tech companies,
craigslist, Monster,, CareerBuilder, SBC, Verizon, Vonage,
what's left of AOL. These ARE the mega corporations that are
overpricing us and controling the worlds knowledge. These are the corps
that keep information locked up in the almighty Buck! I say ...
Google...Make them Fear like they make us fear-Crush them if need be. I
think they better wise up and start backing Googles Idea. Its the
'Honorable' thing to do.>
<<<<Now, here is an Email I sent to Google Labs the other day>>>>>>
Not looking for a job
I just wanted to plant something in your heads for development and this
is the only contact address I saw on Google Labs.
Google Ideas
A place to explore the future
Since Google is making technology and resources available to the world
you might ponder a way to allow the Ideas of regular men and women to
be recorded and explored. Just think of the advancements the world
could make if regular people's Ideas were allowed to flesh out. You
could make a directory that classifies the ideas submitted and allows
the people who regularly develop stuff access to the world's Ideas.
What if nobody listened or cared about Edison's light bulb and it was
never developed. There are so many people in the world who have great
ideas that are lost because no one cared to listen to them. Google
Ideas could be a database of such ideas. Cataloging and making them
available to anyone who cares to look. Sometimes technology doesn't
get developed because the idea never got out. "Never knew we needed
it until someone made one".
The possibilities are endless.
Bob knows how to break the light barrier.
Jim found a way to tap a new energy source.
Sally has a method of recycling car exhaust for energy.
Jane found a way to solve the theory of everything.
Tom figured out how to nullify the effects of gravity.
Tim compressed bandwidth 500%.
Mary devised a matter transporter.
And on and on....
End of Email...
< If anyone wants to discuss this, email me and I will GIVE you my
thoughts and reasons.
Could be backed up by Google Scholar in a Wiki type Expansion.
Could be a Google Group but it would be better as a World Db.
Even silly Ideas right now might BECOME feasible in the future. Once
it's documented it can be expanded on, or debunked completely. What if
current technology debunks an idea today as not realistic but advances
in the future make it possible? What a nice 'History' it would provide.
Mistakes could be reviewed & fixed. > <Not just inventions but whole
memes.(A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or
idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind
to another.)>
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