
Perşembe, Aralık 08, 2005

[lug] Re: Disk utility in Ubuntu locked me out

oops sorry, forgot to include where to remount it.

you will have to goto the fstab file located in the /etc directory.

as super user or sudo within the command prompt perform this. I am
assuming that you are not a veterin, so do this within the shell.

sudo kate

within kate open up to this file


as you can see there will be a list (or should be at least!) of other
drives mounted. Follow the same form as follows

/dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat rw,uid=1000 0 0

Now I am assuming that you are using the first account that was
created. The first account (at least within Ubuntu/Kubuntu) start the
first userid at 1000. This way you will have access to the drive
read/write. Now remember you can not write to NTFS, but you can read
VFAT (fat32), ext2, ext3, etc. So I hope you formatted the drive to
something that linux can read and write to.

save the file and exit

within the shell perform this after the save

sudo mount -a
your password

if that doesn't work try

sudo remount -a
your password

that should get everything to work.

for more info you can go here

Hope this helps


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