
Çarşamba, Aralık 21, 2005

More Functional Way of Adding Feeds

I would like to see a more user friendly way of adding feeds in 2 ways.

A) The ability to add multiple feeds at a time would save a lot of time

B) An easier, quicker way to bring up the 'Add Feed' window from
anywhere on the Google Reader site, possibly accomplished through a
keyboard shortcut or could be added as a section in the 'More Actions'
drop down menu

I believe an easier way of setting up your Google Reader page for the
first time would make the process much faster and would make Google
Reader much more attractive to new users. Those just trying it out
would be more likely to keep the Google Reader service if they were
able to add more feeds in less time because they would have more
invested in it to begin with and it would help to show off how clean
the layout of the service is.


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