
Cuma, Aralık 02, 2005

Re: Add your feature request here!

1. Search MY feeds - I've come to rely on aggregation as a means of
tracking what is going on in the blogosphere. But I don't want to have
to deal with BlogSearch or Technorati - that's why I have all 400 feeds
I subscribe to. I want to be able to search those feeds.

2. Better error messages - When I try to add a feed and the URL is
incorrect don't just say "This feed has no items" - tell me the real
error message. Or give me the option to see it.

3. Mark All As Read - I don't want to keep scrolling through items I
don't want to read, let me MASS mark them as read.

4. Sort by date - I want to see the latest items up top, please. Reader
sometimes seems to post at odd times.



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