
Çarşamba, Aralık 14, 2005

Re: AJAX MIXER How to generate AJAX XML data up/down stream/s mixer ?

Thanks Mike,

I am creative by birth like my father, grandfather.. grandgrandfather.
Livng creative life is like having perpeual intellectual orgsam ;)
Frankly speaking I m trying to switch to interactive multimedia
technologies and some projects under way at MIT MediaLab.

1. Big LCD or plasma 50 inch touch screen, acting as Multimdia Center
(AJAX based)

as an Info Kiosk at airports, business centers is what I would like to
work on.

Asynchronous web vs. synchronous is what maks sense in developing
interactive maps applications.

In the above web example basics of boolean algebra of sets have been
Exactly the same way SQL commands can be implemented to manipulate,
filter, refilter
database records client-side.

But my approach to any poblem is top-down directed.
Look at Google Earth, developed as a top intelligent application in
Google Maps interfacing and consider third party Google Maps Api
interfaces as derivative projects only.

So, my approach is very specific and realistic, I exactly know What To
Do but due to scarcity of avaliable tools, man power, I would develop
my ideas to some extend only, not to generate overheads.

I would like to have a group working on one or some AJAX based
projects, say, developing more sophisticated application than Google
But what counts is money and not good approach.

So in my spare time I will review , as promised, all google maps api
based applications, named in this group and will try to make any such
review as short as possible in graphical, or s\ymbols form to suggest
some way of upgrading.

Try rewriting the above c odes to work with many xml data streams,
implementing some
fuzzy logics, time shifting, not exactly selecting each data record,
but some only,
maby some rsdomly selected from one stream, some from another.

To create some art form attracting tourists or businesmen at

I have a really good idea, still under development, but should consider
it as PPA as it is worth of some money to be invested. Developd more
han 10 years ago, waited so long for interactive, maps presentation

Sop I have to slect between writing a paper, writin a book or filing
patnt application and than writing a paper or a book.

Touch screen as an input device to Maps based applications seems to be
a nice solution., especially as city info centers.



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