
Cumartesi, Aralık 31, 2005

Re: Help: Error in IE makes page with gmap unviewable

Try to make your page look more like you started with one of the
working API examples and added your stuff, rather than looking like you
started with a page without a map and tried to add in the map stuff.

First, let's move the </head> below your scripts, to just above the
<body> tag.

Then add a function called, e.g. InitPage() containing all the stuff
from the <script> near the bottom of your page, just before the //]]>
in the <script> in the <head>.

change the <body> tag to <body onload="InitPage();">

Add, as the very first statement inside InitPage(): "map =
GMap(<whatever>);". See the API documentation example for complete

and put a "var map;" immediately before the "function InitPage()"

This will make it look a lot more like the example code in the API


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