
Salı, Ocak 10, 2006

Check if overlay exists so i can not be added twice or more


I'm using the following code to add a circle to my map!

// A function to draw a cricle
function drawCircle(lng,lat) {

var Clng = Clat/Math.cos(lat*d2r);
var Cpoints = [];
for (var i=0; i < 33; i++) {
var theta = Math.PI * (i/16);
Cx = lng + (Clng * Math.cos(theta));
Cy = lat + (Clat * Math.sin(theta));
Cpoints.push(new GPoint(Cx,Cy));
map.addOverlay(new GPolyline(Cpoints,Ccolor,Cwidth));

Now I was wondering if there is a way to check if this circle already
exists, so that it can not be added twice or more.

I also use:


to remove the circle.

But basically I just want to toggle the circle on and off using one
link in the html code.

You can find the test page at:

Many thanks for any hints

:-) Dirk


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