
Salı, Ocak 10, 2006

Re: Why 1 key per domain and wheres all the world data

Great response people.

I cant respond to all the posts so Ill just carry on the thread.

I do think Google Maps is a good example of ajax, doesnt it
asynchronously pull tiles in the background as you scroll the map so
that the user experience is smooth? Thats how I thought it worked.

In regards the key issue I am using an ugly function which calls
document.write with different versions of the domain. It works but
maybe the django settings would be a better approach , it did cross my
mind. But I went for the use of document.domain in the aforementioned

It is nice to know that there is a valid reason for the lack of support
for multi domain keys.

I havent quite got around today to confronting the issue of data. But I
am not looking for a complicated solution. After all I dont need the
map to give me street level directions. The content on my site will at
most be specified by city so what I really need is all the cities of
the world as markers on the map.

My concern was that if i use my data to place cities then where google
does have data it might clash. There was mention in the replies that
you can provide custom maps, does this mean I have to provide image
data, or are we just talking overlaid data like streets and citynames.
And then is there a simple way to say to google maps api : i want
cities at the following locations (Anderlecht, 34.0, 12.00, ....) ? Or
is it more complicated so I have to provide images as well etc.

Ideally I would wipe the google map of street level data and city
names. Keep country boundaries, and country names, and then repopulate
all the cities names with my own ones.

These cities would then be places users could click on to view content
added/authored at those locations.

Anyway, thats tomorrow's job , but once again thanks for the lively
And by the way this project im working on will soon be purely open
source, so if anyone fancies contributing theres nothing stopping you



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