Exchange links with us
Please direct this to your company's webmaster, thank you.
Promolux Lighting has begun an online initiative to actively work with
distributors and lighting professionals in an effort to increase
the awareness of the benefits of appropriate lighting for particular
applications, such as display case lighting for supermarkets.
We invite your company to participate in the first step in this
initiative and form a partnership between our website and yours.
In order to participate all you need to do is add a link on your
website with the following information:
Title: Promlux Lighting International
Description: Display case balanced spectrum low UV light designed
specifically for display of perishable food products in refrigerated
retail supermarkets.
Once you have added the link, let us know with an email what
information you would like for your link. Your link will be on our site
within 24 hours.
We also have a number of additional related information sites we would
be very interested in exchanging links with as well.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Warm Regards,
Raymond Kipang
Market Group Ventures
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