[Gmail-Users] Re: How to access Gmail service if it is blocked??
"saroj" <sarojkondeypati@gmail.com>
> Hello everyone,
> Can anyone of you suggest, how to access Gmail(mail service) other than
> direct access. In my organisation direct access is blocked. So, if any
> information provides by you will be appreciable.
> Thanking you,
> Saroj.
I have a great suggestion. Why don't you supply us with a complete
description of your corporate network; i.e., OS, networking protocols,
etc. Furthermore, exactly what are you referring to when you say that
direct access is blocked? Blocked by what, a firewall?
It goes without saying, that violating your corporate policy and
attempting to contact GMail without your system's administrators
permission could very well cost you your job. Have you considered the
ramifications of your attempted actions?
Gerard Seibert
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
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