[Google-Desktop] GDS - Google won't fix
I have (again) been forced to delete my index and start from scratch.
I attempted using tweak to force a reindex but only got about 5% of the
system indexed.
Google appears to have abandoned GDS - issues which have been known for
well over a year are still not fixed and basic functionality is sorely
lacking. Both the project development team have been notified of the
issues (through direct methods other than this group) but they refuse
to acknowledge the reports, let alone address the problem.
And google wants me to replace my operating system with their
soon-to-be-released gooos? (Official name not yet released.)
I've already had to change one system in the office over to MS search -
I really didn't want to, but Google just doesn't care if their search
works or not and the issues could not be resolved. If I have to
reindex even one more time then I will ban google from my office and
the computers of any family, friends or clients I service. But does
google care? Oddly enough, not in the slightest. They have become
even less responsive than MS - who at least put out a desktop search
engine that can find messages in outlook.
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