
Çarşamba, Ocak 11, 2006

Re: Its a nice product but it wont uninstall

Gerard Seibert wrote:
>"GHirsch" <>
>> I tried out the Google Web Acelerator and its a nice product. It doesnt
>> seem to make much of a difference with broadband but my biggest problem
>> is it wont uninstall. Ive even tried to reinstall the product again and
>> then try the uninstall again. No luck. When I try the run the uninstall
>> it cant locate the source msi file. Anyone know how i can get this
>> thing off my pc?
>It is located in: C:\Program Files\Google. Delete the >entire Google
>folder, not just the Web Accelerator folder. If you have >jv-16 Power
>Tools installed, and you really should, then run that to >clean the
>registry. If you have another registry cleaner, run it >instead.
>Obviously, they are run after the deletion of the Google >folder.
>Gerard Seibert
what if you have other things by google for example google earth. could
you not just delete C:\Program Files\Google\Web Accelerator? this would
make it alot easyer.


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