Re: Remove one of the Map type buttons
Thanks JJ R DK works good, nice work around.
It would be great if we could have real documentation about MapType
Objects creation but
I guess this is all the same story about communication with papa G.
If someone is intersted I could post all the properties of the MapType
jjrdk wrote:
>I can only guess that you derive your custom map from the first map in
>the map.getMapTypes() array. If you have only specified the satellite
>map, then the custom map will be derived from that. The satellite type
>is especially bad since all the tiles are in some, as of yet,
>ununderstandable format. I would suggest that you initialize your map
>with the normal map type also.
>I haven't tried this but I hope it might work for you (using the Mapki
>custom map tutorial):
>map = new
>yourmaptype = copy_obj(map.mapTypes[0]);
>var toThrowAway = map.mapTypes.pop();
>map.mapTypes[map.mapTypes.length] = yourmaptype
>The pop function should cut the last item in the array and thus only
>leave you with Satellite before you add your own.
>Let me know if it works.
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