Re: 5 new messages in 3 topics - digest
Hi folks,
First my apologies for putting this message into this forum if its not appropriate. I have a service, currently free, that takes your blog and changes it into a podcast using text to speech and your rss feed. I am wondering if someone here could help me incorporate it into the google reader? Keeping it short here is a link to my player and this the engadget feed podcast:
Respectfully, Robbie Schmelzer
On 12/13/05, Google-Labs-Reader group <> wrote:
Google Labs - Reader
Today's topics:
* Nothing private about my RSS feeds - 1 messages, 1 author
* Noticing RSS Feed Issues - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Feature Requests - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Nothing private about my RSS feeds
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2005 12:19pm
From: "AlanRick"
I don't keep my newspapers under lock and key and I've a similar
attitude to my RSS feeds. If someone's looking over my shoulder - so
But with e-mail it's different.
Is there a way of accessing the google reader (to access *my*
subscriptions) in such a way that the login ticket (or cookie or
whatever) cannot be used to access my gmail account? That way I can
stay in touch with news permanently without sacrificing my mail
Best regards,
TOPIC: Noticing RSS Feed Issues
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2005 3:56pm
From: ""
I've noticed that there are feeds that I know have updated but are not
showing updated within Google Reader. Is this a problem with Reader or
in the feeds configuration?
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2005 4:14pm
From: "FordMuscle"
yup i have the same problem... not just with google reader but with
bloglines clearly indicates they only update feeds once a day or some
similar period.
it doesn't make sense to me, i am new to the whole "RSS Reader" concept
and in fact it seems useless not to get a real time update. I'd rather
just visit the site! wrote:
> I've noticed that there are feeds that I know have updated but are not
> showing updated within Google Reader. Is this a problem with Reader or
> in the feeds configuration?
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2005 7:06pm
From: ""
I have been using Kinja for some time, and wanted to compare google
Reader to it. I do notice that Kinja displays posts much sooner than
does gReader. If it were not for that, I would have jumped to gReader
already, as it is my only gripe.
TOPIC: Feature Requests
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 13 2005 6:17am
From: "bulmaro"
inonit wrote:
> I agree on the ability to rename feeds -- one can do that (albeit in a
> very cumbersome way) by doing OPML import/export now.
> For those of us (ahem) who are a bit detail-oriented about labels,
> etc., the existing way to edit labels is extraordinarily cumbersome.
> If I want to delete a label, for example, I need to (unless there's a
> way I'm missing) click "edit" for a feed, delete the label from that
> feed, hit save, wait for my feeds to be refreshed, re-highlight the
> label, and do it again for each feed. Tough to manage.
> A workaround is to use an OPML file, but Import adds the information
> from the file (rather than overwriting), so it's still hard to do some
> kinds of changes to the feed list.
also need to make easier to add new feeds without using the search
like a simple "add Feed by URL" in the main page of the reader
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