Re: Deeper Zoom
initMercator() is a function that the Google Maps API uses to set some
internal arrays for later calculation (via getLatLng) of latitude and
longitude of given pixel positions relative to the northwest most pixel
of a given zoom level. The reason I need this is because I use the
getLatLng function to calculate the bounding box for each tile. The
bounding box gets sent along with some other parameters to
TerraServer's Web Mapping Service URL which gives me a tile. Here's a
sample tile:,42.24478535602799,-83.69384765625,42.261049162113856&width=256&height=256&format=image/jpeg&transparent=true
Take a close look at the url. Embeded in it you have the following
important things:
srs - this is the map projection. Google uses or is extreamly close to
EPSG:4326, the default latitude and longitude system.
bbox - Bounding box. These are the x/y coordinates of the lower left
and upper right of the image.
height - Google uses tiles which are 256 pixels high.
width - Google uses tiles which are 256 pixels wide.
format - The resulting image type. I use png instead of jpeg here for
non-photgraphic stuff.
Kyle Mulka
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