Re: I want to find out lat and lng of markers
be aware though that in GP I attach extra data to the marker (eg and overlay.lng) - yes, this is a duplicate of the
overlay's point.x and point.y, but I store quite a lot of data on the
overlay so that when you click it, a copy of all the data (as held in
the db) is easily available.
overlay.point.x may not be exactly what is in the database. The reason
? overlay.point.x may be to as many as 15 decimal places, whereas I
store to only 6 decimal places in my db.
In other words, adding a marker with lat = 1.234557 lng = 1.234567 and
then pulling its coords with overlay.point.x may pull 1.234567890123456
So, a lesson : what you put in may not exactly match what you get out.
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