
Cuma, Ocak 13, 2006

AdWords API Re: Custom Reports not returning AveragePosition any more

okay, it's named pos now... what a mess... well, anyway, since i did
not find this mapping anywhere, and I think people would like to see
it, here is what the API returns for every custom request field:

Mapping of the request params to the output params

AccountName => account
AdGroup => adgroup
AdGroupId => adgroupid
AdGroupStatus => agStatus
AdWordsType => adwordsType
AverageConversionValue => avgConvValue
AveragePosition => pos
Campaign => campaign
CampaignEndDate => campaignenddate
CampaignId => campaignid
CampaignStatus => campStatus
Clicks => clicks
ConversionRate => convRate
Conversions => conv
ConversionValuePerClick => convVpc
ConversionValuePerCost => valueCostRatio
Cost => cost
CostPerConversion => costPerConv
CostPerTransaction => cpt
Cpc => cpc
CreativeDestinationUrl => creativeDestUrl
CreativeId => creativeid
CreativeStatus => creativeStatus
Ctr => ctr
DailyBudget => budget
DefaultConversionCount => defaultConv
DefaultConversionValue => defaultConvValue
DescriptionLine1 => desc1
DescriptionLine2 => desc2
DescriptionLine3 => headline
DestinationUrl => destUrl
Impressions => imps
Keyword => keyword
KeywordId => keywordid
KeywordDestinationUrl => kwDestUrl
KeywordStatus => kwStatus
KeywordType => kwType
LeadCount => leads
LeadValue => leadValue
MinimumCpc => keywordMinCpc
MaximumCpc => maxCpc
PageViewCount => pageviews
PageViewValue => pageviewValue
SaleCount => purchases
SaleValue => purchaseValue
SignupCount => signups
SignupValue => signupValue
TotalConversionValue => convValue
Transactions => transactions
VisibleUrl => creativeVisUrl


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