
Pazar, Ocak 08, 2006

[Google-Desktop-Developer] Re: More source examples


If you're looking for detailed examples on ATL and COM with GD, you
should take a look at the SysMon plugin source (available in the SDK),
it pretty much shows everything you'd need for developing a sidebar

I recommend you take a look at the scripting examples available in the
GD SDK. There are a lot of javascript examples which should be
sufficient to writing a plugin easily. I found the calendar source to
be very useful when developing my scripting plugins. If you're looking
for how to do networking with the scripting API, look into the
XMLHttpRequest object which can connect online to download a webpage.
COM plugins are more advanced and I think should only be used if what
you're trying to do is not available through the regular javascript

Good luck.

-- Larry Gadea.


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