
Çarşamba, Ocak 04, 2006

[lug] Re: Member Experiances With Knoppix

On 1/4/06, Sasquatch Brohan <> wrote:
> Gentoo can be installed 3 different ways, these are called stages.
> Stage1: stage 1 is starting nearly totally from scratch, this can
> take up to a few weeks, but I thought it was quite fun.

The stage I *tried* to do.

> Stage2: a little easier with a lot of the configuration done for you.
> Still takes a while (a few days).

Still too hard for me.

> Stage3: here almost everything is done for you, this will only take
> up to a few hours or so.

Sounds like I might be able to do it.

> Personally I think that gentoo is only good if it is installed from stage1,
> as doing all your own configuration will mean everything fits perfectly,
> whereas with stage2+3 you may have some hardware etc. problems.

Yeah, better the hardware have problems than I have problems (not
being able to install).

> Frankly I would say that anyone chosing a stage2/3 install is a wuss. And
> most other people would probably say the same about stage3.

Either that or someone who doesn't have the much time or that much raw

========== GCv3.12 ==========
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DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
========= END GCv3.12 ========


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