
Cuma, Ocak 06, 2006

Re: Yahoo Map Imagery in Google Maps Interface

Kyle Mulka wrote:
> Has anyone tried putting Yahoo Maps imagery inside the Google Maps
> interface? It seems possible given that Yahoo provides a Map Image API
> here:
> I think the only major hump I have right now is the distance in miles
> between two points. The rest is just a little extra code and some
> adjustment to the code used to get WMS to display in Google Maps.

Yahoo's NAVTEQ tiles are almost identical to Google's NAVTEQ tiles
(v=w2.7 / v=t2.2) except for printing. Both are 256 x 256 pixels.
Both use the similar projections with similar conversion algorithms.
Yahoo's zoom level = Google's zoom level + 1; Yahoo's y-axis runs
south to north. Google's y-axis runs north to south.


Pixel alignment is right on. Unfortunately, I have broken my tile
calculator. If it is not too much work, I will fix it & post the URL.


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