
Perşembe, Ocak 12, 2006

You guys need to take some lessons from Steve Jobs and Apple

While I have always been a huge fan of Google and even twisted arms to
get a addy, I must say this video store really needs some
MAJOR work. I know it is just a beta version, but come on, how did you
let this out of the lab on onto the web?

First, the interface is vintage Google, which might work for web
searches, but seems to be totally out of place for a video store. You
should copy the Apple iTunes format and use a directory that not only
keeps it simple, but provides some useful info about episodes and shows
as well.

Second, except for the CBS content, (which is great), you seem to have
every home vid reel since the 8mm was invented and all seems to be of
the quality that Uncle Bob could shoot after a six pack. Maybe you
should work on quality over quantity.

Third, and this is the big one for me, who in their right mind would
pay the same price for a show that comes with only a day pass when you
can own it on iTunes? I buy vids off iTunes because I want to own them,
to watch on my laptop, my desktop, my iPod or TV. I have to use your
crappy video player and it isn't even portable.

I can download all these shows off the net for free with a file sharing
program if I wanted to. You need to provide me a reason to shell out
the two bucks to purchase your product. Ownership is a big reason, this
daily rental model sounds like it was thought up by a suit on the 17th
floor with no idea what the hell is going on out on the net.

So guys, dump the video format and provide us with portable mp4 copies
we can actually use. Change the search format to a directory form. And
get rid of the rental model, ownership is the key to getting users to
switch from P2P to legal downloads.


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