how to echo a
anyone know the proper syntax for echoing a <Br>?
here is my code, note the cho "<br>" at the end doesn't work. keeps on
giving me syntax errors.
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "var point = new GPoint(" . $row['lon'] . "," . $row['lat'] .
echo "var marker = createMarker(point, 'Address: ". $row['address'] ."
".$row['city']." ".$row['state']."<br>Sale
Price: $" .
$row['salesprice'] . "<br>Zipcode" .
$input1 . "<br>Sqft:" . $row['squarefeet'] . "<br>Sales Date: " .
$row['salesdate'] . "<br>Year Built: " . $row['yearbuilt']
. "<br>Bedrooms: " . $row['bedrooms'] ."<br>" . $homelisturl . "<br>" .
$mortgagequotes . "<br>" . $realtorlist . "');\n";
echo "map.addOverlay(marker);\n";
echo "<br>";\n;
thanks in advance
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