Re: wms overlays using v2 of the api
I've not used WMS, but there are some v2 custom map strategies here
It looks, from the kylemulka page, like WMS needs the coordinates as lat
and lng rather than as tile numbers, so you'll need to use
var ul = custommaptype.getProjection().fromPixelToLatLng(
GPoint(a.x*ts,(b.y+1)*ts), zoom);
var lr = custommaptype.getProjection().fromPixelToLatLng(
GPoint((a.x+1)*ts,b.y*ts), zoom);
var bbox = ul.lngDegrees + "," + ul.latDegrees + "," + lr.lngDegrees +
"," + lr.latDegrees;
instead of
var ul = this.getLatLng(x*ts,(y+1)*ts, zoom);
var lr = this.getLatLng((x+1)*ts,y*ts, zoom);
var bbox = ul.x + "," + ul.y + "," + lr.x + "," + lr.y;
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