
Cumartesi, Ocak 21, 2006

Re: How to determine if a GPoint is within a GBounds?

in V2 of the API you would use something like
if (map.getBounds().contains(new GlatLng(Lat,Lng))){
alert ("Yes the point is within the bounds");
} else {
alert ("No it isn't");

Re: Executing script from a form

I just tried this and it did something -- i think it just reloaded the
page -- but that's progress.. is this what you meant?

<form onSubmit="javascript:recenter">
<p><select size="1" name="D1">
<%do while not rstemp.eof %>


</select><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>

Re: Executing script from a form


Have you tried using "onsubmit=" instead (in your form statement)?


Re: How to: Blogger and Google Maps


i`ve got it. tried it again and now it works. all the <script> stuff is
just before the
</body> tag and i changed the <body> tag to <body

thanx a lot for the quick help!!!!

Re: Downloaded File Conversion

I have it running now. Quicktime Pro seems to be saving as AVI
(although it only 75% complete).

Might want to try this Seems to work
pretty good.

[Google-Desktop-Developer] IT Management System based on Google Enterprise Desktop


How do I contact Google about developing an IT management system for
commercial use?

I have designed an enterprise system based on the Google Enterprise
Desktop search which will exceed expectations of software customers.
This system is well researched and is designed to take advantage of
current trends and niches in IT management.

Google currently offers a few enterprise solutions; however, by helping
management and IT administrators search and access the information in
their enterprise IT environment Google will present a powerful attack
on the corporate enterprise market.

I know that other software vendors are currently developing systems
similar to the one I have designed; however, Google has a direct
competitive advantage which will help Google quickly capture market
share where the other leading software vendors are failing.

I am prepared to develop the system I have designed; however, I would
likely be using the API for commercial purposes and want to address the
potential legal concerns. I would like to discuss my design with Google
and I want to identify a way that my design can be developed legally.

I do not currently want to post the specifics of what my system does on
this website; however, I would appreciate any advice on how to "contact
Google" about developing my system. Throughout the website it says,
"contact Google"; however, when I submitted my request on the help
website I just received a automated email saying that I would not be
contacted. I tried calling the phone numbers posted; however, there is
no call support. Nothing in the FAQ addresses my questions, and I have
not seen anything in any Google group which address my question or the
type of system I have designed.

If you are a developer and have experience working with Google on
developing a system for commercial use, or if you have advice I would
appreciate your input. I have prepared the functional requirements, the
functional specifications and I have the technical design figured out.

Please let me know if you can help.
Thank you,


First time sitemap... help. I don't know what I'm doing can someone fix this for me and tell me what I did wrong?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">


Re: Does Google hate dynamic PHP websites or is it just something with my site?

Thank you for your advice N66x0, it is greatly appreciated. I will
definitely use it.

Re: Fast verifications recently?

I noticed that too, but I changed encoders and thought that that was
the reason. I had 3 mp4 files verified in 24 hrs. but still have a
couple .mov files waiting from 4 days ago.

Seems files type really makes a diff.

Re: Does Google hate dynamic PHP websites or is it just something with my site?

Thank you for your feedback, Sebastian. Is there anything else I need
to change on my website to get indexed on Google properly?

Looking for a (free) batch geocoder?

Hey all,
I put together a tool to auto-magically geocode addresses in batches:

You can basically copy/paste straight from/to Excel or any
tab-delimited compatible format. You can geocode up to 50,000 addresses

per day, but it works best to do it in 500 address chunks.

When you're done you can take the coordinates and use them to create a
map. This will be useful for anyone creating map interfaces on the web,
google or *ahem* other. =o)


Executing script from a form

I have a script that re-zooms the map that I can execute successfully
from a hyperlink:

<a href

I would also like to be able to execute the script from a drop-down
menu and I can't get it to go... In my code, I'm pulling records from a
database in vbscript and looping through the option values...

Can anybody see anything in my syntax that would cause this to fail?

<form method="POST" action="javascript:recenter">
<p><select size="1" name="D1">
<%do while not rstemp.eof %>

</select><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>

How to determine if a GPoint is within a GBounds?

Hi Folks,

Is there a way to determine if a particular lat/log point is within a
certain boundary?

Thanks - wg

Re: Sitemap "Not Found"

Not sure what's going on...

Every now and then a "Google Employee" will join the conversation to
give us an update.

Here are my links:

Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees. Any insights
would be greatly appreciated if someone sees something.


Re: Geocode Addresses in Batches (Free)

I've done plenty of Google Maps stuff in the past, but Google doesn't
have a geocoding service. Maybe this will help encourage them to have
one so I don't have to run to competitors? =o)

Actually I really thought it'd be useful to anyone making maps, google
API or not, you need coordinates right? Not everybody has access to a
geocoding system.


Re: Does Google hate dynamic PHP websites or is it just something with my site?

The problem you are mentioning is not about PHP itself, we
have several dynamic sites all of them are pure PHP and we
have not had any problem to get positioned by Google, ever.

It seems to me that Google and any other indexing robot/crawler
does not like URL's which bear parameters and/or session
informations and soon or later these pages will be phased
out and disappear from Google searches or sink down.

I looked at your site, all your pages are ".html" no parameters, so
this is not your problem. I haven't looked deeper but it seems to me
that the first thing you should do is use DIV's instead of TABLE's.

After that you need to enrich the relationships between the links
that make up your site, improve the frequencies of your keyword
and write XHTML 1.1 compliant code using SEMANTICALLY
correct CLASS names and you will see your site fly up in Google.

This is why professional people that does this charge money ?

Despite what somebody says this is a real scientific profession,
and yes lot of people on the WEB need advice on this, especially
make them understand that the people that says there is no need
of professional to do that is just because they are not professional
on that and whatever low money they ask for it are really lost.
Believe me or not I have proof of what I say, and if you are
gonna pay somebody be sure to pay for results.

The Google Sitemaps is not what will make your site shining between
the others, but it surely help in finding all of your pages and this is
a very
big help if the above guidelines are followed letter by letter.-


Re: In index out of index. In index out of index. In index out of index. In index out of index ....

Filehouse, Google staff monitors this forum. When you do a search for
posts by "Google Employee" you'll find out that they are even very

However, what you describe as "problems with Googles indexing lately"
does not refer -- as you've insinuated -- to technical problems at
Google's side. Sure, there may be a cpl of technical glitches every now
and then, that's pretty much business as usual in large scale IT
systems of any kind, but not getting indexed is in 99.99999..% of all
documented cases the site owner's or Webmaster's fault. Trust me, it's
my job to get other peoples stuff indexed, so I clearly stand on the
"other side of the fence" and I'm definitely not a "Google-groupie".

The point is that to be successful at Google you need to follow
Google's rules. Google doesn't owe you free traffic just because you've
created a cpl of Web pages anywhere on a sub-domain of a small business
hosting service like ATT. Even submitting a sitemap does not guarantee
instant listings, please read the program's description (cited and
summarized here: Look
at Google's mission statement (, their
bazillions of technical papers as well as their easy to follow guides,
and you will pretty soon recognize that your attempt must fail, because
you didn't play by the rules.

All -- and I really mean *all* and not most -- posts like yours do not
reveal a SE malfunction, they reveal the lack of knowledge of the
poster. That's not a problem, coz all info you need is freely
available, you just have to read it, and forums like this one point you
to good sources of information - just ask. Nobody should flame you when
you ask a question because you want to learn why your stuff is
invisible at Google. OTOH everybody should flame you when you're sassy,
ignorant and deaf ;)

The problem is that brain amputated fools are allowed to have an
Internet identity. Some morons like the scumbag above just don't like
what they hear, so they say the truth is not true as long as it doesn't
work exactly as they imagine it has to work. Fucked up, but
unfortunately as unavoidable on the Web as Viagra spam and CP. Please
read replies like my post above in that context.

So what is your question, please?

[Google-Desktop] Desktop will not index RAID 1 drive(s)

My system is set-up RAID 1 (mirrored). Combined, the mirrored drives
(combined) are labeled Local Drive F.

I also have another internal drive installed, labeled Local Drive E.

The F: drive(s) contains the OS (Win XP Pro SP2) and most of the data I
would want Google Desktop to index.

The E: drive contains only image files. (.jpgs, .tif's, etc.)

Google Desktop will not / can not seem to index my F: drive(s).

I get the error "Unknown error trying to access files during crawling".

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Google Maps with clickable sidebar, categories and view the last added point

i found your example before - but i can`t see any markers - so i
thought you`re still trying out. i see what i can figure out with your


Re: Geocode Addresses in Batches (Free)


I hate to sound like a snit, but isn't that the competitor's system?
This board is to rant and rave about how wonderful the Google Maps API

Just thought I'd mention it.


Re: FTP error - Is it only me?

I have the exact same thing going on. I have a feed from 1/18 (that I
know is a partial feed as my upload was interrupted) - that is labeled
as "Feed not yet processed". I also have a feed from this morning
listed as "Feed not yet processed". Both are only listed when I look at
the entire list of uploads rather than just the main page of my
merchant center.

Re: Google Maps with clickable sidebar, categories and view the last added point

I'm not one of the gurus of this group, I'm just a newbie, but I took
Larry's example, and Mike's example and tried to combine them, and it
worked...I don't know how, because I didn't write the code, but with a
little (a lot) of help it's working at:
It's not the example with xml, but it can be. View the source and see
if it helps you. I can't explain the code, 'cause I don't know!

Re: Sitemap "Not Found"

Same here! About the same time as you,too! What's up with this???

Go4Bro wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I have the exact same problem. I checked with my web hosting company
> and they said they have not implementing any changes. I did try
> dropping the sitemap file and resubmitting to no avail. I can see the
> sitemap file on the browser. But I try to add the file and submit,
> Google reports back that the network can't be found and it can not
> locate the file. How strange. See
> Will
> All At Sea wrote:
> > Does anyone have any guidance for me?
> >
> > (1) Started with Google Sitemaps several months ago. Everything worked
> > perfectly. Verified and Google finds my sitemap. Indexes perfect.
> > Everything works as it should.
> >
> > (2) Starting around January 1, 2006 Google lists my sitemap as "Not
> > Found." Google Sitemaps also requests that I need to get verified to
> > see the errors (again??).
> >
> > Ok... Now no matter what, Google does not find my sitemap. I can pull
> > the sitemap up in a browser so I know that it exists at the path.
> >
> > I have tried dropping the sitemap and resubmitting it.
> > I have tried changing the name of the sitemap (which worked for about
> > 12 hours and then when I checked again this morning... "Not Found")
> >
> > Does anyone know of any bugs that Google has at the moment. Frustrated
> > but I can be patient if I know this is not a issue just with my system.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Chris

Re: Frames in web site - key registered for another web site

For the API key to be accepted, in javascript has
to agree
with the site name that you used when you registered the key.

I would suggest doing a test to see what that value is and making sure
that is that domain for which you registered the key.

-- Larry

Fast verifications recently?

Seems like videos are being verified really quickly now. As in, I
upload it late last night, and it's already verified by noon. Whatever
they've done, keep it up!

Cuma, Ocak 20, 2006

AdWords API Maximum character length for Keyword, AdGroup, and Campaign?

The maximum limits are displayed for Creative Title, Description,
Destination and Display URL in Google. Does anyone know what the
maximum number of character I can input into the Campaign, AdGroup, and
Keyword name fields?

[Beyzade1994] Re: Tesekkür

Allahin selami sizlerin de üzerinize olsun...hos geldiniz
aramiza....selam ve sevgilerimizle...her sey gönlünüzce
gönlünüz Hakkça olsun.....

[Beyzade1993] �mam-� �afii

Milyonlarca M�sl�man��n yolunu ayd�nlatan rehber:
�mam-� �afii

1- As�l ad� Muhammed ibnu �dris olan �mam �afii, �mam� Azam Ebu Hanife�nin vefat etti�i y�l olan Hicri 150 senesinde Filistin�in Gazze �ehrinde do�du. Babas� Kurey� kabilesine mensup olan �mam �afii, hen�z be�ikteyken pederini kaybetmi�ti.

2- K���k ya�larda Gazze�de ilim tahsil etmeye ba�layan �mam �afii, Kur�an�� h�fzetmi�ti. Sonra Mekke�ye giderek burada hadis e�itimi ald�.

3- Fasih Arap�ay� ��renmek amac�yla ��lde Huzeyl kabilesinin aras�nda on y�l ya�ad� ve burada �ok iyi ok atmay� ��rendi.

4- �mam �afii yirmi ya�lar�nda iken, fetva verecek ve hadis rivayet edecek bir mertebeye ula�t�.

5- Daha sonra Medine�nin imam� Malik ibnu Enes�e giden �mam �afii, Malik ibnu Enes�in vefat�na kadar ondan ders ald�.

6- Yemen�in Necran b�lgesi kad�l���na getirilen �mam �afii, burada adaleti tam olarak ger�ekle�tirdi. Fakat sonralar� Yemen�e gelen yeni vali, �iilik propagandas� iftiras�yla onu Halife Harun Re�id�e �ikayet etti. G�zel bir savunma yapmas� ve n�fuz sahibi sevenlerinin araya girmesiyle �mam �afii �l�mden kurtuldu.

7- 34 ya��ndayken ba��na gelen bu olaydan sonra kendini tekrar ilme veren �mam �afii, Ba�dat�ta Muhammed ibnu Hasan��n derslerini takip etti. B�ylece hem Irak��n hem de Hicaz��n f�kh�n� birle�tirmi� ve �a��n en b�y�k fakihlerinden ders alarak f�k�h ilminin kurallar�n� tespit edecek kadar y�ksek bir mertebeye ula�t�.

8- �mam �afii daha sonra Mekke�ye d�nd� ve Harem-i �erif�te ders vermeye ba�lad�. Hac mevsiminde pek �ok alim onunla g�r���r, dersine kat�l�rd�. Bu esnada Ahmed ibnu Hanbel de onunla g�r��t�. �mam �afii, Mekke�de iki y�l kald�ktan sonra Ba�dat�a geri d�nd�.

9- �mam Malik�in baz� g�r��lerine muhalefet eden �mam �afii, Malik�in �ok sevildi�i M�s�r�daki alimlerden tenkit ald�. Kendisine, �Bunu neden yap�yorsun?� denildi�inde, hakperest imam �u cevab� verir: ��stad�m dostumdur, Hak da dostumdur, bunlar birbirleriyle kar��la��nca Hakk��n dostu olmak daha evlad�r.�

10- Bug�n �afii mezhebine mensup milyonlarca M�sl�man��n yolunu ayd�nlatan �mam �afii Hazretleri, M�s�r�da 20 Ocak 820�ye rastlayan Hicri 204 y�l� Recep ay�n�n son gecesi, 54 ya��nda vefat etti. Kabri M�s�r�da bulunan b�y�k mezhep �nderine binler fatiha g�nderiyoruz.

With MSN Spaces email straight to your blog. Upload jokes, photos and more. It's free!

Re: "Directions"

Thanks, Larry,
The junk on the end outside the body was something that I had pasted
there just to have it in front of me instead of a different window...I
just forgot to take it off...that wasn't causing the problem, and I
took out that line of code that was giving the error and everything is
still working the same...I know about the markers not showing up in FF,
and I'll take care of that eventually...and I know my html isn't very
good, but like I said before, I ain't that smart. I wanted to use your
example because it's very easy to use without opening up the info
Opera and Firefox, as far as hits have gone on my website, is less than
20 hits out of 12000 or so this past year, less than 20 Netscape, the
rest are all IE, so I don't worry so much about that problem just yet,
although I will get it taken care of. I have read Mike's tutorial's to
the point of the lines running together, but I'm just learning. Thanks
again Larry, for your help.

Re: Map works fine in FireFox 1.5, Opera but not in IE6

I don't have time ot fix your page, but I can give you a few pointers,
hope this helps :)

Your page has a lot of images, more than twice the recommended total
value for fast page loads. The CSS is filled with unnecessary
duplication, eg font-family.

Also, it fails the WC3 mark up validation check:
with 357 errors, some of which could slow it down.

Download times: you can see the results of a check for various
connection speeds here:
also offers lots of useful suggestions for speeding up your page and
removing the bloat (eg over-sized CSS file, too many images,
uncompressed HTML, etc) The site that provides this check offers an
optimisation service, so if you want to pay and get results in a hurry,
you can check them out, although this is not a personal recommendation
as I have never used them:

Re: Transfering the account ownership

Re: Transfering the account ownership

"Froogle Support" <

Re: FTP error - Is it only me?

I have tried 2 uploads over the past 3 days. Neither one is showing
status as processed/uploaded. And much of the time can't even log in
to FTP the feed file.

This is getting silly.

Re: FTP error - Is it only me?

I am having the same problem aswell!!

Just signed up to froogle and cannot access my ftp acount through ftp
clients or the browser!!!

reset password etc


[glg2] Re: Big problem at MEMBER MANAGEment!

it could be that the emails they continued to receive were already in "transit".  What is suppose to happen is that anything that gets posted AFTER they were removed from the group, those are the emails they WON"T get.  But, who knows how long it will take google groups to make the change inside their system.  I saw yesterday that in my gmail, I now have a Delete button, I don't have to click on More Options to delete my emails.



On 1/20/06, Yapi Danismani <> wrote:

There is a real big problem in google groups member management /
unsubscribtion of members.

i have more than 1000 members in my group.
Some of my members wanted me to remove them from our group.

i  removed (unsbcribed) them from my member list.
but after some days later they again send me a mail that " we are still
recieving mails from your group."

i am looking for their mails in member list.But their mails are not in
members list.
i know that i deleted .They are not in my groups member list.
But they are still recieving mails.!!???
this is still happening to more than 1-2 member..

This is so bad for us.
i am sending lots of mails to people that does not want..
i do not know what am i going to do?
what can we do for that!

This problem shows that google groups members listing has a problem.And
does not show real member list?!!
there is a problem in removing members!!

what can we do..
i reported this to google today...

erdinc ozkara

Re: "Directions"

I don't know why you are using the "arbitrary directions" code, why not
use the get directions example Mike Williams has on his tutorial:

The following example entitled "Conventional programming - Get
Directions" shows how to add the "Get Directions" buttons to the

I'm not sure why isn't working for you, but your page is
not very good html (you have lots of junk at the end, not that that is
necessarily causing the problem you are reporting). The markers don't
display in Firefox (but it doesn't report errors, although you still
have the error handling disabled). Opera displays the markers but
gives the following error message:
====================================== Google Map
Inline script thread
name: ReferenceError
message: Statement on line 518: Reference to undefined variable: color
Line 518 of inline#4 script in
document.getElementById(color).checked = true;

I would suggest starting from a simple case so you can determine why it
isn't working.

-- Larry

[Google-Desktop] Re: News Feed

I am having the same error mesage. Can anyone help us?

If I right-click the news message, select open, and choose the
appropriate program, the web page will open up.

Also, I cannot open the preferences window or the about window under
the Google toolbar. wrote:
> After I started using a wireless connection, I get this error message
> when I click on a News Feed link:
> Unable to open <<link>>.
> If this is a file it may have been deleted, renamed or moved to a new
> location.

[Gmail-Users] Re: Yahoo or google?What is the best URL?

ok...well it isn't showing anything next to my Gmail Users Label and this message actually appeared in my Inbox as well as the Gmail Users Label...that's the first time that's happened since I created the label......go figure

On 1/20/06, Nick Chirchirillo < > wrote:

On 1/20/06, Bill < > wrote:
ok.......that's how it's work'in for would be helpful if gmail showed a # beside the label to indicate that there is a new message under that label
It does.  The label becomes bold and there is a number in parenthasis that shows how many new messages therer are.  For example, at this moment, my Gmail-Users label looks like this:
Gmail-Users (9)
That means that there are still nine new messages that have the Gmail-User label attached to them.


Re: Video/Audio codecs for best upload quality?


I don't have Nero, but I'll give it a look. What is confuzzling me is
the mixture of video/audio selections:

MPEG4 with MP3 audio
MPEG4 with MP4 audio
MPEG2 with MP3 audio
MPEG2 with MP4 audio

Yet the upload page lets you enter only one file. So, do the MPEG
encoders provide a choice of mixtures of video and audio, that are then
contained in a single file?

I'm starting with D1 AVI uncompressed. I can get really good looking
results in WME, but that's a WMV file.

A search turns this one up more often than others:

But I don't know if it will do a good job.


Re: Full Screen - A la google? Jump to a scene - A la google?

More important to me was the "jump to" function which would allow you
to create chapters. I can't figure out how to use googles java scripts.

[lug] Re: Installing Linux in a laptop..

On 1/20/06, Hil <> wrote:

I have IBM T30. Every piece of hardware works great with Kubuntu 5.10.
ATI Radeon 7500 was recognized with DRI (Direct Rendering) without any
configuration. My father has ATI Radeon 9700 with Kubuntu 5.10 but he
did not have DRI enabled by default. You may have to look into the
proprietary ATI driver for it. For nVidia, things might be easier. My
suspend to RAM and to disk do not always work. I have 1/10 chance of
failure in the suspend to RAM/Disk. I don't know how to fix it.

Suspend to RAM/Disk is a fluky thing for all Distros. It has not been fully developed yet, and has many many bugs. Don't count on it.

Jeremiah E. Bess
Network Ninja, Penguin Geek, Father of twins

Re: What "self-hosted" guestmap to use now v2 will break others?


I am the developer of guestMap. I am currently in the process of
completely rewritting guestMap to use not only V2, but to have an
installer and an administration page.

Don't worry, when v2 goes live, guestMap will still work. All the
points are in a database, so those can't be effected, only the map
would be effected.

Keep checking for updates. I should be
able to get out next week.

Chris Thompson

Re: New free service... cell phone reminders

Why do you want my address?

google video down?

is google video down for anyone else? All i am getting is the search
box and the links on the bottom, no picures/populr/random stuff

Yepee, It's Party Time or How Long Does It Take To Get Indexed

After patiently waiting for 4 months, Google has finally let me out of
the "sandbox" and indexed my site. [Sound of Tequila bottle opening].



Re: Implementing a Speed Tip


The addOverlays code is obsolete, and completely unsupported. The Maps
API code was changed so it is no longer necessary. When it was
initially written, it provided a significant speed improvement. Since
the API code change, it provides only a 5 to 10% speed improvement, in
my tests today.

addOverlays() will not be portable to version 2 of the API.

RE: bir zahmet ;)

yok olsa dükkan senin ama benim senden bir istegim olcak sende olanlardan
bana gönderirmisin BENDE HİÇ YOOOOOOOOK

>From: "Dilek Kahraman" <>
>Subject: bir zahmet ;)
>Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 08:58:00 +0100
>arkadaslar eger sizde ebrunun yeni resimleri varsa bana yolarmisiniz
>lütffen tesekkürler kendinize iyi bakin mutlu kalin ebruli günler by by
>Behalten Sie Ihre Hotmails, den Messenger und die Suchfunktionen stets im
>Auge! Jetzt anmelden!

Sadece sohbet ile yetinmeyin - eğlneceye de doymak için Messenger'i tercih

RE: Ynt: Re: slms

arkadaslar bugün sabah gazetesinin günaydın ekınde mustafa sandalın dogum
gunununu fanlarıyla kutladıgını okudum ebru gundeste bızle hep bırlıkte
kutlasak ne kadar guzel olur degılmı herkese ulasmak için kamerayla
sitesinden dogum gununu yayınlamıs ve 10 tanede fanını davet etmıs keske
ebru gundes de boyle bısey yapsa bence suppppper olur sızce nasıl olur

Hava durumunu bizden öğrenin ve evden öyle çıkın!

Re: In index out of index. In index out of index. In index out of index. In index out of index ....


i can have a look, what is your website ?

sometimes it's a simple fix, no-need to get all uptight.

footnote: Sebastian has helped this forum alot for free.

Can you delete a sitemap & start all over again

all i want to know is can you delete a sitemap because i'm a newbie at
submitting sitemaps and i think i've messed up my first attempt. plus
the verification file can you use notepad? i tried notepad but it
would not allow me to save because of the long name google wants in a
nutshell i'm all at sea with sitemaps if anyone can help me i will be

[lug] .chm files in mandriva

Can you suggest any good chm file viewer for mandriva 2006. I searched
and found an rpm python-chm... and installed it..

now i dont know how to use it.. can some one please suggest me how to
use this or suggest a good chm file viewer.


Re: False report of 404 returns 200

P.S. Thanks so much with tracking this down. I went over and over the
forums and my apache set up and could not find anything wrong, I was
looking in the wrong place.

Re: False report of 404 returns 200

Ouch, and ouch again, ok, everything is great on my server, if you try
that with you get a 404.
Also I tried putting it in on a redirect site and that also worked ok,
returned a 302, but not a 200, only when I test that way through my
domain server do I get that 200. So... I guess now the only option
is to get a new domain host!? Argh.

Re: Google Analytics

Sign up with your email address and jump into your time machine. Don't
forget to set the time 3 month in the future - or maybe 6 or even one


Re: table problems

There is an error in your div statement:

<div id"map"></div>

You need an equal sign so it looks like:

<div id="map"></div>

Re: Help with "We couldn't find your verification file". ?

I've check the 3 involved URls and the status apears as it should.

#1 Server Response: http://123CALGARY.CA/ROBOTS.TXT
HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 101
Content-Type: text/plain
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:52:49 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "12265e90d91dc61:6f6"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 18:28:38 GMT
Connection: close

#2 Server Response: http://123CALGARY.CA/DOES_NOT_EXIST
HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Connection: close
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 18:30:17 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html
Cache-control: private

#3 Server Response:
HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 17:39:57 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "dae7cd87e81dc61:6f6"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 18:38:21 GMT
Connection: close

Routing Engine

I am wondering what Google uses for their routing engine? Did they
create their own or are they using one that is already out there? Does
anyone actually know what routing engine for shortest path they are

[Google-Desktop-Developer] Re: Help testing a new plugin

er.. the code snippet given above doesnt work right away since it
depends on some other modifications i made too.. anyway, you get the
idea.. i can send you a screenshot of how it looks if you want.

Re: The Complete (almost) Guide to Getting Listed on Google and other Major Search Engines

Dear Daniel Osko,
[not to be confused with another Daniel of "Daniel's Web"]

(1) I somewhat agree with comment (d) as I have heard it echoed *many*
times on this forum.

(2) As for (h) aren't sitemaps more necessary for larger sites, with
many search engines spidering the smaller ones from the root URI?

In all, what a thorough post with all the enumerated "tricks" and

(3) In your first paragraph, you state:
"Obtaining a high ranking among the top search engines
has always been the main goal of a well-written ecommerce site."

...actually drawing *qualified* buyers/visitors *might* be a more
qualified statement as far as a "main" goal... IMHO.

There are a few "other" goals such as:
-- increasing the overall quality of customer service:
-- providing up-to-date product specifications and information to
create a more informed consumer,
-- decreasing support costs by providing FAQs,
-- increasing the ease of contact with the customer [better CRM],
-- increasing the "reach" of the company (offet by "richness" of the
contact, per Tawfik Jelassi, 2005)
-- increasing the number of suppliers that can lower transaction costs
by participating in electronic commerce [and may aid in SCM],
-- decreasing switching costs between vendors, increasing price
comeptitiveness between suppliers
-- enhancing "value add" to to consumer by providing online services
realted to products
-- increasing the ease of introducing ancillary products
-- increasing the ease by which user comments/suggestions about product
improvements are communicated
-- avoiding having to pay sales taxes if one is a "pure play" vendor
(Cf. Dell Corporation)
-- supply chain deconstruction to achieve more efficient supply chain
(lower cost) economics
-- lowering marketing costs through targeted email campaigns (helps to
have a website to look at for inquiries) well as others I believe are in some academic papers elsewhere.

These items would be potentially be other goals, part of an overall
"strategy" -- not to be confused with "tactics".

Using keywords from the items listed above one can search many engines
for applicable info. ProQuest/ABI Inform [if one can afford it] has a
great deal of accurate information. So does the Whartson School, not
to single them out, per se, from many other fine learning

I know of web sites where this information is available for free, and
that list links to relevant periodicals. ;)

Some might even go so far to say that improving the competitiveness and
profitability of the business might be the main goal of making the
capital investment in e-Commerce, with an eye on ROI -- not just being
ranked in a search engine, per se.

(4) There is a little value to attracting unqualified buyer traffic to
a website, however it increases the bandwidth, computing resources and
support requirements, and may decrease response time to the "real"
customers, thereby increasing direct, indirect [hiddeen] expenses, and
therefore the overall profitability of a company in "the big picture".

(5) There are a lot of buyers that to link to web sites *without* using
search engines (i.e., word-of-mouth [best advertising perhaps ever],
market brand name recognition, other web site referrals (e.g., affiliate programs, E-Bay listings, advertising... e.g., TV ads, TV ads). 20% of my traffic is direct
links for this month.


...has a post on the importance of making a good start FIRST. IMHO
better reading... the link, not the post...

(7th level, per Dante) AS for blogs, RSS feeds, there are several
articles that mention them as being an emerging technology that is
gaining in popularity.


(A1) since the article mentions keeping graphics small, what about
sites that have streaming or large video files... they don't get
indexed as highly? Also what explains Bush's concern about the ease of
accessibility of "adult" [term used loosely] content on the web via
search engines -- is that content's alt tag's "stuffed"? ;)

(A2) If "everyone" follows this formula, then "everyone" should be
#1... which is a philosophically kind and encouraging statement, but
rather global in nature, and in therefore, in construction and essence,
patently false and perhaps [unintentionally] misleading.

(A3) Since alt tags are not only used by text-based browsers (e.g.,
Lynx), but also by sight-impaired people, isn't keyword-stuffing there
actually a form of cruelty to the sight-impaired who must listen to the
list and hope for a vision from God(s?), or a sighted person, to
explain the image relevance to the surrounding text? I have an
acquaintance who mentions that this "feature" can be highly annoying
when irrelevant keywords are used. However, we must first not think of
ourselves as being judged by how we treat the less capable, young, old
and infirmed... site ranking takes precedence, perhaps.

Reductio ad absurdam.

(A4) I call on the "dead parrot" again! Daniel!

"70 lines and what do you get,
another day older and deeper in debt.

Work 7 days, and what is it for?
I owe my soul to the company store..."
- classic 50's song, paraphrased.

...and looking at my site (not linked here) I have a lot to learn
myself... J'me accuse.

(line 70) "If you have any questions comments or gripes you can..."
[one might consider posting here so everyone can learn and benefit, and
there is also a Google SEO discussion group, and a Web Marketing group,
for more general issues than sitemaps...]

[Google-Desktop-Developer] Re: Help testing a new plugin

very interesting and useful. :) i too would like to have a 'add item'
button at the bottom (or better, at the top like the todo panel so that
it never goes out of view). you can do that similar to how the calendar
plugin has the 'add note' button, which is basically an item that
responds to the onDetailsView event.

can the 'idle task' be removed? not sure what purpose it serves and if
you ran into any trouble without such an item.

about the layout, as you mentioned in the site it would be nice to see
more text about the task without getting clipped. why not use a
news-like layout where you have the task description in the title and
the time counter as the 'source' parameter? that way your time is
automatically displayed in a different color easier to recognize and
you have more space for the task description if needed. yes it does
make it slightly harder to find where the time used is (for non-current
tasks) but the advantage is that you can more easily recognize which
task you want to click at since it takes more space and shows more

I tried it out by modifying the plugin source, and here is the modified
'DisplayTask' function which shows what I am talking about. Overall, a
really useful plugin :)

function DisplayTask(task) {
var newTask = new ContentItem();
var taskHour = parseInt(task.taskTime / 3600);
var taskMin = parseInt(task.taskTime / 60) % 3600;
var taskSec = task.taskTime % 60;

if( newTask.flags = gddContentItemFlagPinned;

if( == 0) { // if task is the idle task
if( {
newTask.flags = gddContentItemFlagNoRemove +
gddContentItemFlagPinned; // if the idle task is active, pin it
} else {
newTask.flags = gddContentItemFlagNoRemove;
newTask.heading = task.taskHeading;
} else { // only show timestamp if the task is not the idle task
newTask.heading = tasks[i].taskHeading;
newTask.layout = gddContentItemLayoutNews;
newTask.source = "-- " +
((taskHour < 10) ? "0" : "") + taskHour + ":" +
((taskMin < 10) ? "0" : "") + taskMin + ":" +
((taskSec < 10) ? "0" : "") + taskSec + " --";
newTask.onRemoveItem = RemoveTask;
newTask.snippet =;
newTask.onToggleItemPinnedState = ToggleItemPinnedState;
pluginHelper.AddContentItem(newTask, gddItemDisplayInSidebar);

[SevgiGrubu.Com] Re: A dan Z ye Mp3 -2-

sadettin bey merhabalar gönderdiðiniz mp3'leri açamýyorum indirme yapmýyor bu konu ile ilgili bilgi verirseniz sevinirim

sadettin <> wrote:

-- D --

-Davut Guloglu - Yalan Mi = Týkla
-Davut Güloðlu - Nurcaným = Týkla
-Deli yürek - Deli Yarim = Týkla
-Deli Yürek - Zeynep = Týkla
-Delikan - Olmuyor = Týkla
-Deniz Seki - Kop Gel Günahlarýndan= Týkla
-Deniz Seki – Yarým Kalan Aþk = Týkla
-Deniz Seki - Ey Kalbim = Týkla
-Deniz Seki - Sana Sýðýnýyorum= Týkla
-Deniz Seki - Bu Þarkým Sana Sevgim = Týkla
-Deniz Seki - Dile Kolay = Týkla
-Deniz Seki – Kalbimi Kim Çalýyor = Týkla
-Deniz Arcak - Zehir Ettin = Týkla
-Deniz Arcak - Vurur = Týkla
-Deniz Arcak - Veda = Týkla
-Deniz Arcak – Eller Aldatýr = Týkla
-Deniz Arcak – Eyvallah = Týkla
-Demet - Kýnalý Bebek = Týkla
-Demet - Bu Gece = Týkla
-Demet - Savruldum = Týkla
-Demet - Arnavut Kaldýrýmý = Týkla
-Demet Akalýn - Bilmek Ýstiyorum = Týkla
-Demet Akalýn - Bir Anda Sevmiþtim = Týkla
-Demet Akalýn - Yanlýzým = Týkla
-Demet Akalin - Allahindan Bul = Týkla
-Demet Akalýn - Sebebim = Týkla
-Demet Akalýn = Bittim = Týkla
-Demet Akalýn - Banane = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan - Belki = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan - Resim = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan – Berlin = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan – Gitti Gider = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan – Kahpe = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan – Resim = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan - Aþk Var ya = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan - Göçmen = Týkla
-Demir Demirkan - Gümüþ = Týkla
-Destan - Dere Boyu Kavakalar = Týkla-Destan - Annem = Týkla
-Destan - Ben Ölürsem = Týkla
-Destan - Gökte Yýldýz Aymýsýn = Týkla
-Devran Çaðlar - Sahte Sevgililer = Týkla
-Dj Akman – Seni Özlemek = Týkla
-Dj. Akman - Alo = Týkla
-Dilek Pýnar - Son Þansýn = Týkla
-Dolunay - Dizi Müziði = Týkla
-Doðuþ - Sevgi Ver = Týkla
-Doðuþ - Seninmi Olacaðým =Týkla
-Doðuþ - Gamsýz = Týkla
-Doðuþ - Yüreðim Yan = Týkla
-Doðuþ - Ayrýlmalýyýz= Týkla
-Duman - Herþeyi Yak = Týkla
-Duman - Seni Kendime Sakladým = Týkla
-Duman - Yürekten = Týkla
-Duman - Kýrmýþ Kalbini = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sa.. - Al Beni Yar = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Sevdan Bir Ateþ = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Hüzün Kovan Kuþu = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Belki Deðil Mutlak = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Kanrevan Ýçindeyim = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Canan = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Gayret Et Güzelim = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Ýstanbul Akþamlarým = Týkla
-Düþ Sokaðý Sakinleri - Ayrýlýk = Týkla

-- E --

-Ebru Gündeþ - Demir Attým Yalnýzlýða = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Bir garip serçe = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Ben Olmayýnca = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Küçüðüm = Týkla
-Ebru gündes - Vur Beni = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Biliyorsun = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Sen Olsaydýn = Týkla
-Ebruli - Ýþte Böyle Vururum = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Senin Olmaya Geldim = Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Ceza mý?= Týkla
-Ebru Gündeþ - Sen Allahýn Bir Lütfusun = Týkla
-Ebru Yaþar – Yalan = Týkla
-Ebru Yaþar - Seni Anan Benim Ýçin Doðurmuþ = Týkla
-Ece Ülker – Alýþýyorum = Týkla
-Ece Dorsay - Tutkularýn Peþinde = Týkla
-Ecem - Korkma = Týkla
-Eda Berker - Beni Sana Hapsettin = Týkla
-Eda Berker - Ayaz Vurmuþ Yüreðime = Týkla
-Eda Berker - Ýlk Sen Deðilsin = Týkla
-Eda- Metin Özülkü - Aramadýn Aylardýr = Týkla
-Eda Özülkü-ince sýzým = Týkla
-Edip Akbayram - Merdo = Týkla
-Edip Akbayram - Deðilmisin = Týkla
-Edip Akbayram - Unutamýyorum = Týkla
-Edip Akbayram - Herþey Senin Uðruna = Týkla
-Efkan Þeþen - Vakitsiz = Týkla
-Efkan Þeþen - Dokuz Altý Yollarý = Týkla
-Ege - Delice Bir Sevda = Týkla
-Ege - Hurma Gözlüm = Týkla
-Ege - Sýrça Köþk = Týkla
-Ege - Aþktan Söz Et = Týkla
-Ege - Sevildiðini Bil Yeter = Týkla
-Ege - Senden Uzak = Týkla
-Ege - Yaz Aþkým = Týkla
-Egoist - Artýk Yeter = Týkla
-Egoist – Hakkýn Yok = Týkla
-Elif Karlý - Bunaldým = Týkla
-Elif - vazgecmek icin erken = Týkla
-Elif Güreþçi - Gönül Sayfam = Týkla
-Emel - Çok Ayýp = Týkla
-Emel - Rastgele = Týkla
-Emel - Siyah Inci = Týkla
-Emel - Hoþgeldin Hüzün = Týkla
-Emel – Deli Et Beni = Týkla
-Emel - Bilsem = Týkla
-Emel - Gel Günaha Girelim = Týkla
-Emel - Gönülden Gönüle = Týkla
-Emel - Deli Dünya = Týkla
-Emel Sayýn - Mavi Boncuk = Týkla
-Emel Sayýn - Ah Bu Sarkýlarýn = Týkla
-Emrah - Unutabilsem = Týkla
-Emrah - Yasaksýn Bana = Týkla
-Emrah - Acýlardayým = Týkla
-Emrah - Gitme Sevgilim = Týkla
-Emrah - Belalým = Týkla
-Emre Altuð - Gidecek Yerim Mi Var = Týkla
-Emre Altuð – Sensiz Olmuyor = Týkla
-Emre Altuð - Yani = Týkla
-Emre Altuð - Þaþkýn = Týkla
-Emre Gülkaya - Gözlerin Bin Silah = Týkla
-Emrah Keskin - Zaafýmsýn = Týkla
-Emrah Keskin - Ýnanamam Artýk = Týkla
-Emirkan - Savrulurum = Týkla
-Emirkan - Bebeðim = Týkla
-Emirkan - Mecburum Sana= Týkla
-Emirkan - Çiçeðim Benim = Týkla
-Emrah Keskin - Gece Olunca = Týkla
-Emrah Keskin - Zaafýmsýn = Týkla
-Ender - Dön Geri (Dj Umut Mix) = Týkla
-Engin Noyan - 99 Esma 99 Dua = Týkla
-Erol Budan - Arkadaþca Sevsen = Týkla
-Erol Budan - Arkadaþca Sevsen = Týkla
-Erol Budan - Koparamam Kalbimi = Týkla
-Ercan Saatçi - Kara Kýþlar = Týkla
-Ercan Saatçi - Kararsýz Geceler = Týkla
-Ercan Saatçi - Sayenizde = Týkla
-Ercan Saatçi - Sakatlýk Bende = Týkla
-Ercan Saatçi - Manþet = Týkla
-Ercüment Vural - Rüyalar = Týkla
-Erdal Çelik - Gittin Gideli = Týkla
-Erdal - Gururum = Týkla
-Erkin Koray - Gönül Salýncaðý = Týkla
-Erkin Koray - Çöpçüler = Týkla
-Erkin Koray - Ask Oyunu = Týkla
-Erkin Koray - Seni Her Gordugumde = Týkla
-Erkin Koray - Sevince = Týkla
-Erhan Güleryüz - Diyemedim = Týkla
-Erhan Güleryüz - Köyümün Yaðmurlarý= Týkla
-Erhan Güleryüz – Ýstanbul Bekliyor = Týkla
-Erhan Güleryüz - Doðum Günü = Týkla
-Erhan Güleryüz - Güller Açtý = Týkla
-Erol Büyükburç - Aðlarým = Týkla
-Erol Evgin - Ben Ýmkansýz Aþklar Ýçin Yaratýlmýþým = Týkla
-Ertuð - Ölürüm Belki = Týkla
-Esen Gül - Zalim = Týkla
-Eser Bayar - Allahým Sabýr Ver = Týkla
-Esmeray - Unutma Ben = Týkla
-Esra Kahraman - Mülteci = Týkla
-Esra Kahraman - Yalan = Týkla
-Esra Kahraman – Ex Aþkým = Týkla
-Esra Özmen - Bir Þarkýmýz Vardý = Týkla
-Esra Özmen - Kadýn delisi = Týkla
-Esin Alp - Susta Dinle =Týkla
-Esin Alp - Allah Bilir = Týkla
-Ezginin Günlüðü - Küçüðüm = Týkla
-Ezginin Günlüðü – Aþk Bitti = Týkla
-Ezginin Günlüðü - 1980 (Sigaramýn dumanýna sarsam saklasam seni) = Týkla

-- F --

-Fahir Atakoðlu - 12 mart = Týkla
-Faruk K - Azar Azar = Týkla
-Fatih Kýsaparmak - Gelincik = Týkla
-Fatih Kýsaparmak - Karadýr Kaþlarýn = Týkla
-Fatih Kýsaparmak - Mor Salkýmlý Sokak = Týkla
-Fatih Kýsaparmak - Kiliim = Týkla
-Fatih Erdemci - Benden Günah Gitti= Týkla
-Fatih Erdemci - Suçum Deðil= Týkla
-Fatih Erdemci - Ben Ölmeden Önce = Týkla
-Fatih Erkoç - Cefalar = Týkla
-Fatih Erkoç - Sensiz Olamam = Týkla
-Fatih Erkoç - Senden Kalan Tek Aný Bu = Týkla
-Fatih Erkoç - Ellerim Bomboþ = Týkla
-Fatih Erkoç - Kardelen = Týkla
-Fatih Erkoç - Sensiz Ömü = Týkla
-Fatoþ Ýncegüzel - Sil Silebilirsen = Týkla
-Ferda Anýl Yarkýn - Unuttum Sanma = Týkla
-Ferda Anýl Yarkýn - Sonuna Kadar = Týkla
-Ferda Anýl Yarkýn - Yaralýyým = Týkla
-Fedon - Aþýðýným = Týkla
-Fedon - Haydi Koþ = Týkla
-Ferdi Özbeðen - Dilek Taþý = Týkla
-Ferdi Tayfur - Bag Bozumu = Týkla
-Ferdi Tayfur - Sabahçý Kahvesi = Týkla
-Ferdi Tayfur - Nisan Yaðmuru = Týkla
-Ferdi Tayfur - Banada Söyle = Týkla
-Ferdi Tayfur - Hatiran Yeter = Týkla
-Feridun Düzaðaç - Lavinya = Týkla
-Feridun Düzaðaç - Düsler sokaðý = Týkla
-Feridun Düzaðaç – Rüzgar = Týkla
-Feridun Düzaðaç – Boþ Ders Þarkýsý = Týkla
-Feridun Düzaðaç - Ýçimden Þehirler Geçiyor = Týkla
-Feridun Düzaðaç – Alev Alev = Týkla
-Fresh B - Neden = Týkla
-Feyzullah Koç - Ay Parçam = Týkla
-Fýrtýna - Selanik Türküsü = Týkla
-Firdevs - Gitmekteyim = Týkla
-Fikret Kýzýlok - Zaman Zaman = Týkla
-Fikret Kýzýlok - Gönül = Týkla
-Fikret Kýzýlok - Yeter ki = Týkla
-Fikret Kýzýlok – Bir Harmaným Bu Akþam = Týkla
-Fikret Kýzýlok - Farketmeden = Týkla
-Fuat Saka – Ula Ula = Týkla
-Fuat Saka - Rapatma = Týkla
-Funda - Affetmem = Týkla
-Funda – Çaresizim = Týkla
-Funda Arar - Haberin Varmý = Týkla
-Funda Arar- Neyse = Týkla
-Funda Arar - Yangýn Yeri = Týkla
-Fulden Uras - Bensiz Olsun = Týkla
-Füsun - Ne olur bak bana = Týkla
-Füsun Ünal – Oh Olsun = Týkla



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[SevgiGrubu.Com] Ynt: [SevgiGrubu.Com] Re: Edep dışı reklam

Evet eğri oturup doğru konuşmak gerekli sözünü hatırlatmak isterim yani her şey okadar düzgünde bir bu reklammı böyle.Benim çocuğumda bana soruyor baba AGANİGİ NAGANİGİ  ne demek diye ben cevabı veriyorum ama sizlerinde vereceğiniz cevabı merak ediyorum.
Edep haya derken tv kanallarındaki abuk subuk realitelere niyee kimse bir kelime yazmıyor acaba yani bu işler böyle arkadaşlar.DOĞRU OLALIM DOĞRU KONUŞALIM ben yaparsam doğru başkası yaparsa yanlış olmaz.

----- Özgün İleti -----
Kimden :
Kime :
Gönderme tarihi : 17/01/2006 16:11
Konu : [SevgiGrubu.Com] Re: Edep dışı reklam
    ben size hiç bir şekilde katılmıyorum edep dışı bir reklam değil saçma bir reklam ama yani Türk milletinin izleyemeceği kadar edepsiz değil ki Türk milleti böyle bir reklamı izleyemecek bir ülkede değil bu kadarda abartmayınız ona gelene kadar siz televizyonunuzdan bütün yabancı kanalları kaldırın hatta hükümete söyleyin yabancı kanallar içinde bir kanun çıkartsın reklemları çok edepsiz diye...  Saygılar Burak ELİBOL  _________________________________________________________________ Hava durumunu bizden ögrenin ve evden öyle çikin!  

Gerçek oyuncuların salnunda kağıt ve taş oyunları keyfi artık bambaşka!

Geezuz! How do you add a FEED!

I've to trying to figure out how to add a feed for 1/2 I give up.

Here's the url. I defy anyone to show me what on this page let's you
know how to add a feed.

well I'll have to come back and give you the url.


[Google-Desktop] Dateing

Re: Transfering the account ownership

Thanks. But this is a big public traded company, you just can't have
the name of the company with underscore or anything like that. We need
to follow a corporate identity.

Re: Full Screen - A la google? Jump to a scene - A la google?

I came up with something very similar. I may have a simpler way of
coming about the link, though.

I added the embeded video code to my page as normal. Then added a link
which simply opens another window in full screen. I got the link (that
opens in this window) by going to the Google Video page I'm working
with and selecting the full screen option. Then I selected File > Send
Link (In Firefox) and copied the link that generated the page and
copied it to my "Full Screen Mode" link on my page.

The one thing that seems to be missing is the thumbnail that loads at
the begining... and if you have the video running that is embeded on
the page and you click the full screen link you will get 2 videos
running at the same time. I guess a work around would be to have it
open in the same window?

It also doesn't autostart, but I think I can fix that.

Here is a link to a page that I was playing with that demonstrates

Re: yönetici arkadasa!!!! Forum konusu

Arkdaşıma bende katılıyorum bence eklensin, diğer arkdaşları destege çağırıyorum

19.01.2006 tarihinde Tatli Bela <> yazmış:
burda yöneticimize sesleniyorum siteye bi forum eklense daha iyi olmaz mi böyle mail grubu güzel ama hersey birbirine karsiyor öyle daha düzenli olur bence,
ben bi forum olsun cok isterim saygilarimla..
Herkese iyi aksamlar dilerim

Re: False report of 404 returns 200


200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Connection: close
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 17:32:11 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Client-Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 17:31:36 GMT
Client-Response-Num: 1
Client-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-AspNet-Version: 1.1.4322
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET


Re: Implementing a Speed Tip

FYI - It isn't done in the script, it is done in the html.

for each image that is used by your map you add one of these:
<img src=""
style="display:none" />
just after the body tag.

-- Larry

Re: The Complete (almost) Guide to Getting Listed on Google and other Major Search Engines

Where does this --partly plain false-- article originate from? Tell me
or I fire up copyscape ;)

Seriously folks, read this stuff with a grain of salt. It contains some
useful advice, but also plain BS.


Re: In index out of index. In index out of index. In index out of index. In index out of index ....

Tom, I understand your frustration, but what you say makes no sense.

Your URLs popping in and dropping out is a typical behaviour with
recently indexed new pages. The reason is, that Google operates many
data centers around the globe, which may have different indexes because
they all are updated steadily 24/7/365. Caused by load balancing you
may see results from another datacenter every few seconds. Once your
stuff is settled in the search indexes of all data centers, you'll see
more stable results. The same goes for your rankings, which can change
daily, for example when Google discovers new links to your pages, or
old links disappear, or you've updated pages ...

"I can call local newspapers and get my ads in the publications in less
then 24 hours."

Did you give Google your credit card details when you submitted your
sitemap? How much did they charge you? Nothing. Sitemaps is a free

If you want to see your URLs spread all over the SERPs in no-time
submit them here:

"Where as Google Local and the Google Index takes months and years and
then the pages indexed are gone and ... "

Google crawls Web sites, organizes their contents, and makes them
publicly available and searchable for free. To satisfy their users with
accurate and relevant search results, they check each page they crawl
for compliance to their quality guidelines:
Nearly all legitimate sites created and maintained in compliance get
indexed and fairly ranked eventually. If you didn't earn enough trust
and reputation on the Web, work harder. Google doesn't list sites
without reputable vouches from trusted sources.

Since it's Google's search engine, they have the right to apply
criteria of their choice when it comes to indexing and ranking. If you
want to make use of this free service, you have to play by the rules,
not by your amateurish expectations on how Google search should work
for you. If you can't manage to follow these simple guidelines, then
hire an expert to get you indexed.

In some areas it's not that easy to make it on the first SERPs, or into
the search index at all, because Google has to fight massive abuse and
every now and then legitimate stuff suffers from collateral damage in
Google's war on spam. If you think that may apply to your stuff, then
hire an expert to get you out of the spambox.

In some areas the number of potential results is that huge, that old
and established sites lead the SERPs while new stuff gets buried beyond
the 1,000-visible-results boundary. Look at your market and your
competition, then ask yourself whether your stuff is worth a higher
ranking. Or better try to look at your site from a huge search engine's
perspective, and from a search engine user's perspective.

Telling us that Yahoo and MSN did index your stuff means absolutely
nothing. They don't provide the traffic Google can generate. Their
quality guidelines are less stringent, their indexes are way smaller,
so they have to index more questionable stuff (at least currently, this
newcomer behavior will change soon, and then you can whine about how
unfair Yahoo and MSN are too).

Whining and posting false assumptions will not help you. Learning the
game and making great pages for your visitors will help.


*) I'm still improving the readability of my TGIF posts, so don't feel
offended ;)

Re: Directions: To here - From here

This tutorial:

has the following example entitled "Conventional programming - Get

-- Larry

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